The PCSIR Employees Cooperative Housing Society has declared job vacancies for various positions such as Security Incharge, Security Supervisor, Janitorial, Electrical Supervisor, Mechanical Supervisor, Electrician, Plumber, and Purchase Officer. These positions fall under the Management category and are considered Government jobs. The minimum educational qualifications required for these jobs range from Primary, Middle, Matric to Intermediate levels. The job location is in Lahore, and interested candidates are advised to carefully read the mentioned prerequisites before submitting their applications. This job advertisement was printed in the Jang newspaper on April 15, 2023, and the closing date for submitting applications is May 14, 2023.
Vacant Positions At PCSIR:
- Security Incharge
- Security Supervisor
- Janitorial
- Electrical Supervisor
- Mechanical Supervisor
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Purchase Officer
How To Apply For PCSIR Employees Cooperative Housing Society Lahore Jobs 2023:
Apply as per details mentioned in newspaper advertisement attached below.